Monday, October 6, 2008

Jeopardy Modification Assignment

This is a really cool assignment! It is fortuitous that it is due at this time as well. I am observing a middle school WV History course right now, and the teacher actually had one of these for his course, but it is not working. In order to kill two birds with one stone, I actually created this modified Jeopardy template to be the review of the chapter that the students will be beginning tomorrow. I utilized the textbook (West Virginia: The History of an American State by Claremont Press), the Teacher's guide, and the Blackline Masters practice tests used in the course in order to make this WV History Jeopardy game...enjoy!

I looked through several templates online as the one on the course content page does not work and located this one which I feel is closest to the real thing. It came from a great site that actually has templated for several other popular game shows as well. Click Here

I was slightly concerned that it did not contain an action button to begin with, but it appears (upon further review) that the entire slide is covered in an action button excluding the text...nice trick!

Toss more words up here later,

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