Wednesday, October 1, 2008

PowerPoint to Movie Maker Assignment

"Man!", this just was not my day for getting this assignment up here. I have never used ISTE standards for any assignment prior to this one. So, I went to their site to look through them for applicable ones for my lesson and they were down for the day awaiting the release of new standards and a new site format. So, I dealt with it. I found a blog site about them and did the best I could with what I had. Then, when I went to upload this assignment this evening, the "Tube" sites were down for the evening (or rather were up, but uploading was disabled for maintenance). Well, continuing in the theme of Gmail and Google Docs...I uploaded this to Google Video in order to get it up here before the deadline as I really wanted to embed it into my post.

Admittedly I was totally lost on how to convert a PPT file to Movie Maker until I read Abby Lee's 6305 discussion forum post as a tutorial. It earned her "special thanks" at the end of my video presentation.

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